Dresdner Bank: Incorporating Risk into Corporate Strategy |
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ExcerptsOrganization Structure, Systems and ProcessesMonitoring of risks was implemented as a joint effort between the divisions' Risk Management functions and the independent Group Risk Control function on the basis of the risk policy guidelines set out by the Board of Managing Directors... Basel IIRegulatory requirements strongly influenced Dresdner's risk policy. The revised version of the Basel Capital Accord (Basel II) entailed a major overhaul of the existing regulations governing capital adequacy in the case of credit risks... Credit and Counterparty Risks
Loan Loss Allowances and Provisions for Credit RisksLoan loss allowances comprised specific loan loss allowances, general loan loss allowances and country risk allowances. Specific loan loss allowances were set up for risks arising from loans identified and quantified during the fiscal year... Market RisksDresdner used the value-at-risk (VAR) method to measure the market risk in the bank's global trading business. VAR was defined as the statistically determined potential loss that might occur in a trading portfolio... |
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